Reza BabakhaniInventor, founder and teacher

Redefining Boundaries to Embrace the Tech Revolution

In a world where every aspect of our lives is affected by the constant evolution of technology, redefining our boundaries, and changing our approach towards technology, is long overdue!
The first step is, discovering the reason for which we have to overcome our fear of the unknown and become an active technology innovator rather than being a mere passive technology consumer.
Artificial Intelligence, Machine learning and etc. are just some of the few phenomenal examples that leads us to ask ourselves a very important questions: How can we use technology’s transformative force, to become an innovator and push boundaries every step of the way?

Reza BabakhaniInventor, founder and teacher

Redefining Boundaries to Embrace the Tech Revolution

In a world where every aspect of our lives is affected by the constant evolution of technology, redefining our boundaries, and changing our approach towards technology, is long overdue!
The first step is, discovering the reason for which we have to overcome our fear of the unknown and become an active technology innovator rather than being a mere passive technology consumer.
Artificial Intelligence, Machine learning and etc. are just some of the few phenomenal examples that leads us to ask ourselves a very important questions: How can we use technology’s transformative force, to become an innovator and push boundaries every step of the way?

Reza Babakhani

Reza Babakhani
Reza Babakhani, PhD in architecture in the research field of artificial intelligence, is the director of the architecture and artificial intelligence laboratory at Tehran University of Science and Research and inventor of the intelligent platform for designing and drawing construction plans based on data mining and artificial intelligence.
He is also member of the International Federation of Inventors IFIA, reviewer of scientific and research publications and TRL technology level assessment. He has won the Khayyam Scientific Award, as well as the 6th edition of the Festival of Thinkers and Young Scientists.
Dr.Babakhani the holder of the silver medal from the International Federation of Inventors in 2022 from the Inventions Festival of IFIA members of Switzerland.