As you may have heard December 5th has been named The International Volunteer Day for Economic and Social Development , more commonly referred to as International Volunteer Day (IVD). TED and TEDxers are non-profit organizations made up of enthusiastic volunteers who are keen on progress and invested in a better future.
We believe to have a great volunteering team you have to keep your core and initial standard, a great volunteering spirit which is totally different from wanting to become a volunteer.

But, why do people volunteer? There can be many reasons people decide to give back to society.


Photo Credit: Niloofar Farhand

Photo Credit: Niloofar Farhand


Let’s get familiar with a concept called Eudaimonia. Virtue ethicists say we humans need to live according to virtues in order to reach eudaimonia. Eudaimonia is a happiness-like state that only comes from genuine achievements rather than having wealth for example. This makes sense! Most of us want to do good because it feels good. Helping others has been proven to bring pleasure to the brain. I’m sure we are all familiar with this feeling.

Volunteering gives the opportunity to meet and connect to like-minded people, Deep connections can boost your morale and help you find friends, allows you to get out of your comfort zone and broaden your horizon;

When you volunteer, your mind is as free as it could be so you could be multidimensional in all you do and all the fights against common misconception or sometimes the mainstreams that have been like an invisible glass wall between you and a brighter future. Depending on the kind of volunteering, you can face situations that you would not have faced otherwise. This provides a new and broader perspective on the world.

Voluntary activities can also motivate you, especially in dark days like the quarantine days in COVID-19 pandemic. You are not only effective in the team, but you also learn in every step of the way.

Is taking time for activities that have no financial benefit is a sign of commitment to society?

Feel free to communicate with us through email to let us know.


Now let’s hear what volunteering in TEDxTehran feels like

TEDxTehran consists of a diverse variety of volunteers who are contributing to society based only on their skills and thoughts, That means it does not matter if you are a woman or a man, you are appreciated for you and your mind.

The great volunteering experience in TEDxTehran is not just about doing good deeds and helping in spreading worthy ideas; When you first volunteer in TEDxTehran you feel like you have entered the land of enthusiasm and hard work, every single person is pushing and motivating you to move forward as your best own self. Another amazing experience in TEDxTehran is that you can see your path both in front of you and the path you took and you are congratulated for every accomplishment, so why not volunteer at TEDxTehran, right?



We all have been through so many obstacles during this pandemic and we can tell you having great teammates who have not given up on life and future is the most precious gift you could have.
All in all, as said above volunteering is not just working towards doing good deeds and not getting paid, you will grow like you have never before.


We asked  TEDxTehran volunteers to share their experiences and understanding of volunteering. You can read Ten of them below:
  1. “Everyone is responsible for making changes in society and must take steps in the direction of those changes.”
  2. Volunteering is one of the best decisions anyone could make in their life that not only helps them grow and believe in their abilities in teamwork, but also makes them an agent to make a difference in society from their personal investments such as time and energy.
  3. When you do something without expectation, the effect of that work will be tens of times more.
  4. Volunteering is considered a path of uninterrupted progress and through volunteering, you feel a special peace and value in your being and you feel that you can do anything and help the growth and development of your community.
  5. You can not experience the satisfaction that you do through volunteer work in any job for which you are paid, and most importantly, it is very rewarding to pave the way for the next generation as we may have expected our ancestors to have done for us.
  6. Increasing the sense of self-confidence, courage and usefulness for the society is achieved through volunteer work. Aspects of personal growth are very prominent in volunteering, and you can learn things that were not possible elsewhere and be a better person.
  7. Through volunteering, you not only contribute to your own growth but also to the growth of your community.
  8. By volunteering, you feel valued and consider yourself a piece of a thousand-piece puzzle that would not be complete without you; Voluntary work means new friendships and experiences towards a common goal.
  9. Volunteering can be one of the opportunities to increase one’s ability to live in the community and also help the community.
  10. Through volunteering, you gain experiences that can not be bought, and things are added to your existence that are very influential in your life. Volunteering is a spiritual gift to yourself and society
A healthy Mindset
Photo Credit: Niloofar Farhand

Photo Credit: Niloofar Farhand


Volunteering can provide a healthy boost to your self-confidence, self-esteem, and life satisfaction according to WCSU. You are doing good for others and the community, which provides a natural sense of accomplishment. Your role as a volunteer can also give you a sense of pride and identity. The Importance of volunteering is so evident that we have many talks about this subject, we can listen to the experience of many great people and hear about the research that shows us important facts about volunteering.

We hope you have captured the spirit of Volunteering and some of TEDxTehran Volunteers’ experience through this blog.
Share our experience with your circle and let us hear yours.
With the best.
TEDxTehran Team


Written by: Mona Eslami Baladeh, Sarah Nazari, Sepideh Lashkari, Mina Haselian, Asal Ghamari
Edited and Published by: Asal Ghamari

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