The TEDxTehran2021 virtual event was held On Friday, August 27th, in Milad tower with “The Fabric of Our Future” theme. Due to sanitary restrictions, the audience followed the event from their homes while the speakers and event organizers were present on site.

Speakers shared their insightful ideas in three sections: to understand, to change, and to do. In the first part of the event -dedicated to understanding- Mr. Majid Erfanian, Dr. Ramin Heydari Faroughi, and Dr. Sohrab Rahvar expressed their ideas. In the second part -which dealt with the issues of changing – Ms. Solmaz Mougouie, Mr. Amin Taghipour, and Mr. Alireza Shafiei Tabar shared valuable information on the matter. In the third part -dedicated to doing- Mr. Alireza Jalili, Mr. Ali Shahrashoub, Ms. Zahra Toolabi, and Mr. Arman Noroozi gave us a great closing to this event.

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We tried to understand the meaning of our theme in the first session. Mr. Erfanian told us about his experience in the airport for 5 months, and Dr. Faroughi talked to us about praising contradictions. At the end of this section, Dr.Rahvar, who was at home due to a health situation, painted us a picture of the unknown behind the closed doors of the universe.

In the second session, called “Changing”, we discussed how we could change our habits to help us create a better future. Mr. Taghipour told us about his experience in visual effects in popular films like Star wars and his innovative viral video about eggplant rain from the sky. After that, Ms. Mougouie informed us about individual responsibility in regards to optimizing our support to people in need during a natural disaster. And the last speaker of this session, Mr. Shafiei Tabar, told us about his experience in design and the importance of transparency in art and life.

Ultimately, we wrapped up our final section by directing our “doings” in a way that would end in fabricating our future in the best possible way. Mr. Jalili believed that there are more opportunities for people who are ready to capture them. People who start to prepare themselves for the future will seize any chance that pops up in their way. And Mr. Shahrashoub reminded us the effect of music on the human mind and psyche and shared some of the factors that make a piece of music so-called glorious or brilliant to hear. After that, Ms. Toolabi explained how to take in and react to unexpected situations, and finally, Mr.  Noroozi focused on Self-belief and Youth Orchestra.



What makes an event dynamic and positive is the active audience presence. Let us know what you think about TEDxTehran’s latest event, and share your thoughts with us. See you soon at our next events. Stay tuned…

Written by: Mona Eslami Baladeh, Mina Haselian, Sepideh Lashkari, Niusha Tadrisi, Shirin Kalantar

Edited and Published by: Mina Haselian

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