What is Countdown

Countdown is a global virtual event initiated by TED which seeks to answer five fundamental, interconnected questions that help inform a blueprint for a cleaner future. Countdown is a global initiative to accelerate solutions to the climate crisis. The goal: to build a better future by cutting greenhouse gas emissions in half by 2030.
TEDxTehran has taken action towards building a better future by hosting the first official TEDxTehran countdown in October 2020.

TEDxTehran Countdown 2020 Speakers

Mona Khaleghyrad - TEDxTehran Countdown 2020

We often forget why should we be creative in respecting the earth; Ms.Mona Khaleghy Rad reminds us that by being mindful in our local and individual decisions and being creative in our lifestyle, we could make a huge impact on earth.




Ali Ghorbani - TEDxTehran Countdown 2020

Do we even know what is our citizenship responsibility in 2020? It is okay if you don’t. Mr.Ali Afshar explains: “personal responsibility” plays a pivotal role in curbing excessive emissions at all levels as an individual, a planner or a decision maker. urban environment and transportation system are tangled and has shaped our personal preferences and travel patterns.



Hanif Rastgoftar - TEDxTehran Countdown 2020


Policy-making, Cultural promotion and Climate change? You may ask what is the connection here. Mr.Hanif Rastgoftar states detailed and interesting examples from the transport and energy sectors to illustrate the impact of policy-making and cultural promotion in conjunction with climate change, then talks about some significant necessities regarding climate policy-making.



Sheller Ghorbani - TEDxTehran Countdown 2020


We all know there has been few years that we first came to the common use of the word “Sustainable” in our daily conversations. What is sustainable and why should it be a major factor in purchasing merchandise? Ms.Sheller ghorbani unravel its hidden opportunities for us.



TEDxTehran Countdown 2020 Performers

TEDxTehran countdown 2020 has been a major platform for Speakers, Artists and Performers but let’s not forget the magic of music; Danny Asadi and Jabiz Hafizi have enlightened us with a Fusion and a classic.

We have had the pleasure of working with amazing sponsors in this event; The Netherlands Ambassy, Zitel, Coffe Café, Kaarmaan House, and we collaborated with Biron, Pakzi, Podro and Lahzeh Negar.


(A gift package was provided for TEDxTehran countdown 2020 Attendees by the TEDxTehran team in collaboration with our partners. Inside this package, there were a bottle of the finest cold brew provided by the Coffee Cafe to start a Friday morning with. You will also find Dutch tulip seed procured by the Netherlands embassy and a gift card from Zitel.)

We keen to continue this path of preserving the respect for mother nature and teaching the next generation. We invite you to join our #Makeitusefulagain campaign, and share your thoughts on behavioral impact on earth’s future in your social media by Tagging TEDxTehran.


Written by Asal Ghamari

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