TED, with the aim of spreading valuable ideas, has always been looking for inspiring people and interesting ideas solely for the growth and development of people and societies. In this regard, TED has created a significant operational mechanism in all countries of the world so that there is an opportunity for universal education and growth for all.
If you are following TED, you are aware that in TED events and TED’s licensed events named TEDx events, people who are looking for change and personal growth are coming together to talk about the latest developments in the world and of course “Valuable Ideas”.
In TED and TEDxTalks, the stage of the speaker of election, the talk’s topic selection, cultivating the text of the lecture and preparing the speaker to deliver a good speech are of particular importance. These important factors are the reason that Curation team spends months to elect and prepare the speaker for each event.
TEDxTehran, as one of the leading TEDxTalks in the Middle east, has been able to come up with the best methods in all operational fields, so that it is a progressing and aligned with TED values; From selecting event halls to reception and catering to professional attention to technical aspects of the event and Speaker election.
TEDxTehran team believes that education is a life-saving element of societies, and everyone should contribute to improve their abilities and attitude based on that, so that we could build a calmer, magnificent world full of interesting ideas. Therefore, in line with TED’s policies, every volunteer in TEDxTehran team benefit from up-to-date education and training.
One of these trainings includes TED masterclass for every member of the Curation team so that preparing the speaker for the day of the event is done in the best way. TED Masterclass is an app-based course that will teach you how to identify, develop and share your best ideas with the world, this course is developed by TED and Chris Anderson.
We had a conversation with TEDxTehran Curation team and asked them about TED Masterclass, and their responses are as interesting as it can get.
TEDxTehran Curation team’s training head and Speaker’s mentor, Parsa Zereshki says: Everyone in TEDxTehran team were interested in taking the course, when they found out about it; because the TED Masterclass is held by TED’s founder and First TED member, Chris Anderson, who has been responsible for influencing and spreading valuable ideas around the globe; during this training course, Anderson is pointing out to how our minds help us become the people to find our ideas and cultivate them step by step.
With a regular weekly schedule, TEDxTehran Directors team, took on training course topics and took notes on what they have learned.
All team member’s notes were visible to each other through Google Docs and were studied and highlighted; This itself made team members to revise the important points of the course and get familiar with other’s point of view on the matter.
Finally, the team focused on some of the training activities and tested their knowledge on it.
Mehrnoosh Baratpour, TEDxTehran administrative head and Speaker’s coach shares her idea on TED Masterclass:
The Masterclass training course aims to convey the culture and spreading worthy idea’s technique that is the Motto of TED, has been arranged for TEDx speakers and curators, who are training opponents of the speakers. I, as a curator felt the need to take this training course to become more familiar with the style and culture of TED talks.
The training course had many strengths, from short instructional videos to exercises after each lesson and examples of TED Talks that used those tips and related links and content.
I think of it as a perfect course, in addition to learning about the concept of “idea”, we learned how to plan the presentation of an idea and how to make it more appealing, during this course.
We can see how good and practical a good idea can be, if we understand the power of ideas. I think it’s our mission as a TEDxTalk licensed by TED to bring people’s ideas to our society and even international society’s attention. I hope that in near future, Iran will be known by the quality of its ideas.
Yasin Ahmadi, TEDxTehran analyst and Speaker’s coach says:
I believe, the reality of TED or TEDxTalks are beyond what we see in videos. From the initial moments of creating an idea to the presentation and influencing the audience; these are all why I felt obliged to learn.
After completing the course, we will explore new dimensions of TED’s ideology and have a brand-new perspective at the speaker, Idea, context and ultimately our audience.
As a consultant, I know that lecturing and engaging the audience with ideas is an inevitable part of our job. This course is not about learning how to express, but it sure is about how to convey the “Idea” to our audience.
Arash Namjoofard, TEDxTehran analyst and Speaker’s coach continues:
TED Masterclass has to be one of the most interesting educating courses that could teach me the concept of a talk, Subject understanding and the rationale of speaking.
A structured, simple, and meaningful course that expands our vision of a good speech features, so that we can better prepare and guide the speakers by mastering the subject.
Using Motion Graphics, giving examples, short and meaningful courses, engaging students with practical exercises, and putting the student as a speaker are some of the important features of TED Master Class.
Azin Afshar, TEDxTehran analyst and Speaker’s coach admits:
Looking professionally at your responsibility makes you seek to increase your ability and knowledge in the field, and this is the view that we are pursuing in TEDxTehran.
Helping the speakers to advance their Talks with scientific data and the right policy is the main thing that I strengthened with the help of this training course.
The masterclass was a good thing because we learned the right logic together and moved forward, and the most important thing that made this course so appealing
to me was the examples and watching of Ted’s sample talks that made us all learn all the delicate tips practically.
Parsa’s cooperation to guide the training team for getting on this course, made us pass the course with more power and a good training load.
Parsa Zereshki further thanks the TEDxTehran curation team for paying special additional attention to this training course. “By knowing and learning this course, extracting an idea from the speaker, will no longer be a challenge,” he says.
After completing this course, the speaker is selected with the appropriate scientific tools and methods, and the speaker can be guided in the best way to provide an effective TEDTalk.
Masterclass teaches us to use the ideas in our minds to create something that could change the world, creating a better place for us, our people and the whole worlds.
We have a duty to welcome valuable ideas; perhaps, these ideas are always with us, but we have not thought about it. TED Masterclass aligned with TED’s mission offers the solution throughout the course.
The TED spirit is summed up in this masterclass with the famous structure of encouraging curiosity in the context of the story to make an impact on the society.
Baharan Molaie, Curation VP explains: Beside the Curation process of the selected candidates -which has been covered in this course perfectly-, finding inspiring people with unique ideas that is worth spreading, has remained a challenge for our team. Giving our vast platforms for nominations and our up-to-date team on emerging global trends delivering talks
that satisfies our elite audience is getting harder each day. This course changes your perspective toward ideas embodied in different forms and the subtle art of Curation to the point that differs inspiration from motivation. Following taking this course, our team is reinforced with tools to excavate more inspiring ideas and assist speakers to be able to not only share them with our audience, but also do so in a way that it offers a drive to adopt in their personal and professional life.
Written by: Mona Eslami Baladeh
Translated, Edited and Published by: Asal Ghamari