As you may all know by now, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience, and TEDxTehran has done a great job to share the TED-like experience at TEDxTehranWomen 2019 themed: “Bold+Brilliant”.

TEDxTehranWomen 2019 held on Friday, 13th December 2019. It is not a coincidence that a well-organized event held on Friday the thirteenth, we as TEDxTehran would like to play our part in breaking the chain of superstitions and Taboos, so our event went incredibly perfect as you can read below;

Early in the morning, all volunteers were overwhelmed by the joy and excitement of meeting the attendees in less than 30 minutes, just like all the other TEDxTehran events. All the activities set, catering check, Background, Sound, Lights, Smiles, Positive energy: Check!

Registration started at 9, but our enthusiastic attendees were present at Eyvan-eShams hall, Tehran 10 minutes before 9 a.m. Our registration team categorized the attendee’s badges based on their registration application; There were four different colors so that it makes networking sessions more manageable: Red (Culture), Yellow (Profession), Blue (Passion), Green (Independence).



Cake studio has welcomed TEDxTehran attendees with their delicious sweets and coffee; While they were enjoying breakfast, we have drawn their attention to this year’s activities and gifts. Attendees were asked to share their ideas on being “Bold+Brilliant” on a piece of paper and propose a “Bold+Brilliant” solution to a situation we hypothetically put them in.

And our gift prepares you to meet the next “Bold+Brilliant” person as soon as you see the back of our gift.



We have got permission to play four TEDWomen 2019 talks and guess which talks have we chosen:

H.E.Ellen Johnson Sirleaf promotes freedom, peace, justice, women’s empowerment and democratic rule as Africa’s first democratically-elected female; By partnering with community-based, women-led organizations on the frontlines of war and climate breakdown, activist Yifat Susskind is fighting for global rights for women.

Ms. Jeannie Suk Gersen discussed the legal complexities of the United States’ evolving attitudes towards women’s rights, sexual harassment and the interplay between law and politics and Ms. Jiabao Li augmented human sensation with her wearables and interactive installations, raising questions about technology’s influence on perception, identity, and emotion.

And at our third session, an Award-winning video from TED-Ed named: The opposite game was played on the screen which challenged us all video long to find what is the opposite of Gun.


Ms. Leila Sadeghi, our first Iranian speaker, started with a Japanese story on keeping the fish fresh to the consumer’s table and invites us all to read more books, stories to be specific, not just to entertain us, but to be more understanding of all characters, expansion of experiences, EQ increase and being more creative.



Our next speaker, Ms. Hoda Mobasseri, shares her struggles with mental illness and states the fact that 1 in 4 people are mentally ill or have been in a state. She invites us all to be Bold about it and not ashamed. An emotional hall is inspired by Ms. Hoda Mobasseri’s talk on recognizing your mental state and being Bold about it. Do not give up and face reality is what got everyone on their feet cheering her.



Clear, our other sponsor has set a stage for our attendees to share their stories on how they were “Bold+Brilliant” in their life, give advice or tell us their understanding from “Bold+Brilliant”; So many great ideas, experiences, and guidance were shared and we as TEDxTehran felt so proud of having a “Bold+Brilliant” attendees with us.




Mehrnoosh Baratpour, TEDxTehran co-organizer, took the stage to wrap this year’s event and thank everyone for sharing our and their ideas on “Bold+Brilliant” and invited all the volunteers on the Stage so we could say farewell to this event too.





Asal Ghamari

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